This Children of the Grave - Zombie Road Trailer features the search for a nest of shadow children in a creepy woods called "Zombie Road".
Children of the Grave Zombie Road Trailer - Children Of The Grave as featured on the Sci Fi Channel.
Better known as Zombie Road.This road has been around for over 100 years and some say dates back to the 19th Century when it was a horse and carriage road,Folk legends abound on Lawler Ford Road.
To go there, take Manchester Rd. West to Old State Rd. S (left), go 1 mile and turn left on Ridge Rd. The road is located in Glencoe in West St. Louis County and Wildwood (formerly Ellisville). Turn immediately right into the parking lot at Ridge Meadows Elementary School. Walk twenty feet to the left of the school and you are standing on Zombie Road. The Lawer Ford sign is no longer there.